April 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 22:35:45 PDT
Ending: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:44:16 PDT
Messages: 233
- Pelargonium barklyi Mary Sue Ittner
- Gloxinia sylvatica VicM
- Skunk Cabbages again Graham Rice
- Skunk Cabbages again carlobal@netzero.net
- Skunk Cabbages again John Grimshaw
- Brief announcement: Antoine Hoog's rare bulbs Pacific Rim
- Erythronium DNA Diane Whitehead
- Skunk Cabbages again Jim McKenney
- Skunk Cabbages again rdjenkins
- Muscari 'Blue Boy' and 'Valerie Finnis' totototo@telus.net
- Trillium rivale 'Del Norte' totototo@telus.net
- Muscari 'Blue Boy' and 'Valerie Finnis' JFlintoff@aol.com
- Trillium rivale 'Del Norte' JFlintoff@aol.com
- New member and questions about Eastern Cape mlgd@aol.com
- Arum Mary Sue Ittner
- Arum carlobal@netzero.net
- Arum Agoston Janos
- Brief commercial message Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs
- Visit to Boston area Bulbargence
- Arum Agoston Janos
- Fwd: Postage and inspected seeds J.E. Shields
- Arum John Grimshaw
- Arum Studio Pozzi Taubert
- Arum carlobal@netzero.net
- Arum Jim McKenney
- Arum Agoston Janos
- How names work; was RE: Arum Jim McKenney
- How names work; was RE: Arum carlobal@netzero.net
- How names work; was RE: Arum Joe Shaw
- How names work; was RE: Arum carlobal@netzero.net
- Arum John Grimshaw
- New member with question about variegated Iris cristata Karen E Welty-wolf
- Groups etc John Grimshaw
- Arum - naming a Group John Grimshaw
- Arum - naming a Group John Grimshaw
- Arum - naming a Group carlobal@netzero.com
- Variegation Judy Glattstein
- Finally, perhaps, on arums Graham Rice
- New member with question about variegated Iris cristata Dennis Kramb
- pbs Digest, Vol 51, Issue 9 CHRISTOPHERW
- New member and questions about Eastern Cape Crawford Neil
- nomenclature and taxonomy Adam Fikso
- nomenclature +ACY- taxonomy issues John Grimshaw
- Finally, perhaps, on arums John Grimshaw
- Finally, perhaps, on arums Agoston Janos
- Wurmbea, Blandfordia, Bulbine pollination Diane Whitehead
- Ipheion Jim McKenney
- Some old tulips Jim McKenney
- Ipheion Agoston Janos
- Some old tulips Agoston Janos
- Ipheion Jim McKenney
- Amaryllidae seeds at Silverhill today Diane Whitehead
- Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo' Jim McKenney
- Ipheion DaveKarn@aol.com
- Ipheion sellowiana DaveKarn@aol.com
- Ipheion sellowianum DaveKarn@aol.com
- Yellow Nothoscordum/Ipheion Mary Sue Ittner
- Ipheion sellowiana John T Lonsdale
- pbs Digest, Vol 51, Issue 16 Joe Shaw
- Ipheion sellowianum Genealogy totototo@telus.net
- "RARE" Hippeastrum nearing bloom rdjenkins
- "RARE" Hippeastrum nearing bloom Doug Westfall
- Cyrtanthus page Mary Sue Ittner
- Peter Boyce on Arum italicum and A. concinnatum Graham Rice
- Peter Boyce on Arum italicum and A. concinnatum Jim McKenney
- Cyrtanthus page Mary Sue Ittner
- A daffodil ephphany Jim McKenney
- NOVA: the first flower piaba
- A daffodil ephphany (make that epiphany, thank you) Jim McKenney
- NOVA: the first flower Pacific Rim
- Pacific BX 142 Dell Sherk
- NOVA: the first flower chuck schwartz
- NOVA: the first flower carlobal@netzero.com
- Pacific BX 142 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Anouncing the North American Clivia Society show and sale Angela
- Curtis's Max Withers
- Curtis's Don Hackenberry
- Allium zebdanense Jim McKenney
- Pacific BX 142 CLOSED Angela
- PBS Bulb Auction Pot Luck & Presentation Cathy Craig
- Allium zebdanense Jim McKenney
- Allium zebdanense B K Earl
- Bulb AUCTION Pot Luck & Presentation Cathy Craig
- Drosera From Chuck Powell Richard
- Allium zebdanense antennaria@aol.com
- Herbertia lahue, cows, cameras, blue fuzzy bits Joe Shaw
- Allium zebdanense Jim McKenney
- Allium zebdanense antennaria@aol.com
- Allium zebdanense Jim McKenney
- Peony season 2007 opens Jim McKenney
- Herbertia lahue, cows, cameras, blue fuzzy bits Jim McKenney
- Iris (Gynandriris) sisyrinchium et al. Jim McKenney
- PBS BX James Waddick
- May 5th BULB Auction, Pot Luck, Slide Presentation Cathy Craig
- Moraea sisyrinchium, was Iris (Gynandriris) sisyrinchium et al. Jim McKenney
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Lee Poulsen
- fugacious and otherwise Agoston Janos
- PBS BX Leo A. Martin
- Moraea sisyrinchium, was Iris (Gynandriris) Jim McKenney
- hardy Passiflora; was RE: PBS BX Jim McKenney
- Moraea sisyrinchium, was Iris (Gynandriris) Jim McKenney
- BX directions or address? Dennis Szeszko
- BX directions or address? carlobal@netzero.net
- hardy Passiflora Agoston Janos
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Run007CB@aol.com
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Joe Shaw
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Jim McKenney
- BX directions or address? Warren Glover
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Angela
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Angela
- (no subject) run007cb@aol.com
- Moraea sisyrinchium Jim McKenney
- Imidacloprid and the Vanishing Bees Angela
- Off Topic, article Botanic Garden of Houston Joe Shaw
- Dionaea muscipula Lee Poulsen
- Dionaea muscipula Jim McKenney
- Gladiolus carneus David Ryle
- Digital Maps of South Africa Roy Herold
- pbs Digest, Vol 51, Issue 33 Huegelc55@aol.com
- Israeli tulips? N Sterman
- Hippeastrum species - low temperatures Stephen Putman
- Israeli tulips? Agoston Janos
- Dionaea Charles Powell, II
- Dionaea BBCNURSERY@aol.com
- Hippeastrum species - low temperatures Warren Glover
Last message date:Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:44:16 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:50 PST