Yellow Nothoscordum/Ipheion

Tony Avent
Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:23:16 PDT
Mary Sue:

Thanks for the great expose detailing what catalog writers go through in 
trying use correct nomenclature.  I can name several plants that we 
spent far more time researching the nomenclature than the sales of the 
plant would ever produce.   I wonder when the taxonomic world will 
devise a review committee system that officially accepts or rejects name 
changes.  I'd say this is long overdue!

Tony Avent
Plant Delights Nursery @
Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, North Carolina  27603  USA
Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
phone 919 772-4794
fax  919 772-4752
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it least three times" - Avent

Mary Sue Ittner wrote:
> Hi,
> Originally Bill Dijk shared with a number of us plants he called Ipheion 
> sellowianum and Ipheion dialystemon. Then we were told they were to be 
> called Nothoscordum, not Ipheion. Alberto informed us that even though 
> Nothoscordum dialystemon had 8 tepals and Ipheion sellowianum had six that 
> in South America they both were considered to be Nothoscordum felipponei so 
> that is how we listed them on the wiki.
> There are pictures and descriptions of the climate where they grow under 
> that name.
> If you search the Kew world check list for Nothoscordum you find that the 
> compiler does not consider N. felipponei to be a valid name. The accepted 
> name (I love this concept, as I always think accepted by whom) is Tristagma 
> sellowianum (Kunth) Traub, Pl. Life 19: 61 (1963).
> Homotypic Synonyms listed are :
> Brodiaea felipponei (Beauverd) Herter, Estud. Bot. Reg. Uruguay 4: 47 (1931).
> Beauverdia felipponei (Beauverd) Herter, Boissiera 7: 510 (1943).
> Ipheion felipponei (Beauverd) Traub, Pl. Life 5: 50 (1949).
> Tristagma felipponei (Beauverd) Traub, Pl. Life 19: 61 (1963).
> However if you then search on that same list for Nothoscordum sellowianum 
> you find that the accepted name is:
> Nothoscordum bivalve var. bivalve
> Homotypic Synonyms:
> Allium sellowianum(Kunth) Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 3(2): 
> 117 (1875).
> Allium bivalve var. sellowianum (Kunth) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 313 
> (1898).
> If you search under Ipheion sellowianum you will find it is not an accepted 
> name. It is listed as Tristagma sellowianum with these synonyms:
> Triteleia sellowiana
> Milla sellowiana
> Hooker sellowiana
> Brodiaea sellowiana
> Beauverdia sellowiana
> The RHS plant finder lists Ipheion sellowianum.
> As for the other plant on the Kew list it is listed as:
> Nothoscordum dialystemon (Guagl.) Crosa, Darwiniana 19: 344 (1975).
> Homotypic Synonyms:
> Ipheion dialystemon Guagl., Darwiniana 16: 800 (1971).
>   There is this note:
> This name is not Accepted by:
> Zuloaga, F.O. & Morrone, O. (eds.) (1996). Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae y 
> Angiospermae (Monocotyledoneae). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de la 
> República Argentina 1: 1-323. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. [as 
> Ipheion dialystemon]
> The RHS plant finder lists  Ipheion dialystemon.
> Now if you look up Nothoscordum on the Mobot site you will find the family 
> listed under Liliaceae although other sites list it under Alliaceae
> and you will find Nothoscordum felipponei with two other accepted name 
> citations. The first listed under Amaryllidaceae is
> Beauverdia felipponei (Beauverd) Herter and the second is Ipheion 
> sellowianum (Kunth) Traub (listed back under Liliaceae).
> On the other hand if you look under Nothoscordum sellowianum you find it 
> listed as an accepted name along with
> Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britton
> with the Basionym: Ornithogalum bivalve L.  and 19 synonyms. The synonyms 
> are listed as under Allium, Geboscon, Oligosma, and Ornithogalum.
> Nothoscordum dialystemon and Ipheion dialystemon are listed as synonyms on 
> the Mobot site.
> This is all so confusing for those of us wanting to grow these plants, 
> obtain them, or share them. But it looks like a number of authorities 
> consider there to be two or three different species so maybe I need to 
> change them on the wiki. It looks like Nothoscordum dialystemon (syn. 
> Ipheion dialystemon). But I'm not sure about the other one I grow. Should 
> it be Nothoscordum bivale or Tristagma sellowianum or Nothoscordum 
> sellowianum or Ipheion sellowianum? It certainly isn't creamy like Dennis 
> describes N. bivale on the wiki. It would be helpful to have some 
> descriptions following these names, but I'm sure that would be far too 
> complicated.
> Both of the ones I grow are charming bright yellow winter flowering plants. 
> My experience follows some of those reported in that they are long blooming 
> and don't usually set seed. After I shared excess with the BX my plants 
> remained dormant for a couple of years to my great sorrow. But like Rodger 
> I finally got most of them going again by putting them in my greenhouse in 
> summer where it was warmer and watering them occasionally. They now go 
> there every summer along with the Nerine sarniensis that blooms more 
> reliably for me with summer warmth and water. Blooming for me this year for 
> the first time from Mark McDonough seed is Nothoscordum montevidense. I was 
> surprised how tiny the flowers were, but I'm still happy to have it.
> Mary Sue
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