Moraea sisyrinchium, was Iris (Gynandriris) sisyrinchium et al.

Jim McKenney
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:52:20 PDT
Thanks,  Mary Sue, for bringing me up to speed on the name of Moraea

Old habits die hard: the names I used are the ones I've used for nearly a
half century now. In fact, I was aware of the Moraea connection, but I was
not aware that it was the "accepted" name now. 

These fugacious irids are so lovely - but you have to be on your toes to
enjoy them. That is, unless you are a Joe Shaw and have fields of them to

Later this year I hope to see flowers on Gelasine elongata and Calydorea

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where tulips of the clusiana
sort are blooming, including old time red and white Tulipa clusiana. 

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