On Apr 13, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Tony Avent wrote: > We're quite a bit hotter > than you in summer and colder in winter, but Nothoscordum > sellowianum is > one of our favorite bulbs... We tried > crossing it with N. dialystemon both ways and got no seed set. > > I believe what is in the trade under these two names is all the > same species. > > Tony Avent > Plant Delights Nursery @ [Now that has got to be one of the funnest coincidences I've experienced: I had just hit the reply button to Tony's email (above) when the doorbell rang and there was FedEx with my plant order from Tony! Talk about service...!] [Okay, that was weird. While I typed the above sentence an email came in from FedEx saying that they had delivered my package from Tony. It was time-stamped at the time just after the driver drove away. I didn't realize their little scanner/signature machines were linked wirelessly all the way to generating an email, too. Neat world we live in, at times.] Anyway, I used to think the two were the same species, and the flowers are almost identical to me. But now that my pots have filled in completely, the two look different. My N. dialystemon has leaves that, while narrow, are twice as wide as those of my N. sellowianum. They are also much flatter. The N. sellowianum leaves are almost tubular. And looking at my pots full of leaves (flowering is over), the sensation is kind of like looking at pots full of green spaghettini noodles (N. sellowianum ) vs. pots full of green angel hair pasta noodles (N. sellowianum). I can try to take a picture to show the difference. My N. dialystemon came from Bill Dijk (as well as from Mary Sue who I think got hers from Bill as well), while my N. sellowianum came from Diana Chapman/Telos. I think I've seen a few seed pods now and then in the past, although rarely. I'll make an effort to check from now on. --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a