Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo'

Kelly Irvin kelly@irvincentral.com
Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:32:45 PDT
> In the case of species, it could be redundant to include the extra 
> identifiers, unless the distributor has a concern that fertilization 
> could have occurred via other species or varieties, or viewed from a 
> different perspective, the distributor wishes to assure the recipient 
> s/he took measures to guarantee self-pollination.
To continue on this...

I thought I might explain, with an example, why I included the last 
paragraph to this related post. In the past, when I have been able to 
contribute Lycoris seed that are species, I still included "x OP", 
because my beds were frequented by hawk moths (I think that's what they 
were) and hummingbirds. Since I often had overlapping bloom from one 
species to the next, I thought it best not to infer complete 
self-pollination or population pollination.

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
10850 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736
USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b


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