Iris (Gynandriris) sisyrinchium et al.

Jim McKenney
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 05:20:57 PDT
Iris sisyrinchium bloomed here in Maryland yesterday. As soon as the flower
bud appeared, it got regular soakings. Yesterday morning, when I checked it,
the bud was still down in the spathe, but I could see color. I was very busy
yesterday, and did not get back to check the plant in the afternoon. This
morning when I examined it, I discovered the shriveled flower: it had
bloomed late in the afternoon apparently, and I missed it!

Hope blooms eternal: now I'm rooting for another bud down in the spathe. 

Iris stolonifera has surged into rapid growth, and has rapidly put up a
scape. A plant received under the name 'Cythe' is matching it move for move
- I'm wondering if they are in fact the same plant under different names. I
might know in a few days: things are happening that quickly now. Rain is
predicted for most of the rest of the week, and that should slow things down
a bit. 

Little Iris lacustris is also blooming. No sign of buds yet on Iris

The  Eremurus robustus I've been  hovering over since its sprout appeared
last November now has an enormous inflorescence on the way up.

Calochortus tolmiei is blooming now, too. 

Arum korolkowii is blooming: in a hurry I might think it was just another
Arum italicum variant. I've been waiting for several years to see this in
bloom: it's a bit of a disappointment. 

Bellevalia longipes has put up two inflorescences this year; some of the
individual flowers begin to bloom while the inflorescence is down at ground
level, before the plant begins to put on its crazy act. Once the
inflorescence is fully developed, this is one of the most bizarre plants in
the garden. 

The earliest poppies are showing color, too. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where we've entered the most
beautiful part of the gardener's year. 

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