I think I haven't understood what you mean by cultivar.. but " A. marmoratum " grows wild near my house.... Here in the wild, on our hills, we can see Arum plants with plain green leaves,( the veins may be sometimes pale green), usually with a smooth surface of the leaf which is a bit tender.. they usually whiter and disappear in winter (also in this mild winter they disappeared in December and have begun sprouting two months ago) ; we can find just near them a different plant: "A. marmoratum " with marked stripes on the veins from white to yellowish ( ivory), and the leaf is stronger and not so smooth but waved. Theese leaves can survive the whole winter even with a thick layer of snow covering them, the new leaves appear later ( the plants began producing new leaves fiftheen/twenty days ago); the spathe is able to last some days more than those produced from the former plant and the colour is creamy while the first is whitish. I never saw in the woods a plant with intermedium characters, ( this of course, doesn't mean that such hybrids do not exist, but I am sure it isn't so easy they can appear and survive in wild) . We can find at last two different plants, a smaller one just high as the two above ( 40/50 cm) with white or grey-white spots on the leaves and onother plant much taller (70/80 cm) with similar spots on wider leaves, with bigger spathes and bigger tubers; we usually call theese two plants " A. maculatum ". Arum pictum, ( a nice name ), isn't acceptable in my opinion... as it is generic and doesn't explain the different patterns on the leaves. All perfectly hardy here. Hoping this can help....despite my English. Giorgio Pozzi Travedona (Varese) Northern Italy zone 8 this warm winter > I have no doubt that Arum concinnatum is distinct from A. italicum, > and it > certainly has no connection with the forms variously known as > 'Marmoratum', > 'Pictum' (or however you want to write them) and a growing list of > cultivars > selected from the general gene pool. This is a very good example of > the > benefits of the horticultural group system whereby similar plants > can be > covered by a Group name, and exceptional cultivars distinguished by a > cultivar name. I would suspect that in this case Marmoratum Group > would be > the preferred name for A. italicum (subsp. italicum) with strongly > white-veined leaves. The name 'Pictum' has confusion potential with > the > autumn-flowering Arum pictum and is best avoided. Many A. italicum > do not > have these extensive white veins, and are either totally unmarked > or with > smaller patches of white or grey on the upper surface of the leaves. >