The latest name in use for Ipheion uniflorum is also Tristagma. It seems all the Ipheion are subsumed into Tristagma. Aaron Floden KSC Herbarium, KS --- Lee Poulsen <> wrote: > I've seen this name given before. What are the > arguments for placing > 'Rolf Fiedler' in the genus Tristagma rather than in > Ipheion? Both > its bulbs, leaves, and flowers are so similar to I. > uniflorum that > it's difficult to distinguish until the flowers > open. I would think > that these two are what I would call sister species. > Otherwise, I > would wonder why I. uniflorum isn't also place in > the genus Tristagma. > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around