New member and questions about Eastern Cape

Crawford Neil
Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:18:26 PDT
Marilyn wrote:
>It looks like you're smitten with South Africa just as my family is. We
go to Cape Town every year and several years 
>ago we bought a house there since we seemed to be "commuting" to Cape
Town. So, I'm warning you... travel to South 
>Africa and South AFrican plants can become addicting! I've made my
garden in South Africa an indigenous's >now about 90%
indigenous South African plants....and I grow lots of South African
plants in my gardens at home in
>Pennsylvania and indoors, too. Very addicting! 

Yes, South Africa is a wonderful place, we never planned to go back so
soon, but now we've already
booked the flight. I'm thinking of trying some South African bulbs, but
not sure which will stand 
our winters. I think it's not just the cold thats the problem, it's the
wetness and damp. I saw that they
have that Zantedeschia aetiopica in our botanical garden in Gothenburg,
so that might be a candidate.

>The Tsitsikama Forest is also wonderful. Then on to Addo National
Elephant Park--this is a must! You won't only be
>seeing geophytes. You'll also see succulents and amazing trees and
fantastic landscapes, dramatic rock formations,
> waterfalls, animals and all kinds of plants. The most important thing
is to get out and "be" in the landscape 
>whenever you can. HIKE.

We spent too much time in the car last time, this time we will certainly
be hiking. We've found
good places to hike at Barrydale, Hogsback, Tsitsikama and of course
DeHoop, we visited DeHoop last
time and I can't recommend it enough, there is a short trail at Potsberg
that we thought we
might try. I was just reading about Marloth nature reserve, does anyone
know if it's worth a visit?

>Where can I find out more about Cameron's "advanced" trip? I'd be
interested in that. 

Heres Camerons trip:

and here is Tonys

>I'm not just a "bulb" person as I'm sure most of us are not. Any
unusual plant tempts me and every plant, dull or 
>fantastic, gives me something to think about. 

Have to agree, hard to think of a plant I don't like. 

>South African plants are my passion. I'm a neophyte to this site too,
so I hope this response is not too wordy, 
>personal, or non-geophyte oriented for this discussion. Marilyn 

Thanks very much for your reply, I too hope we're being geophytic
Finally another question, where is the best place to see Strelitzia
regina growing naturally?
Best regards Neil
PS. Corydalis intermedia and Anemone nemerosa are just beginning to
flower in our garden here 
    on Swedens west coast.

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