Yes, I have experience with Hipps and low temperatures (such as the ones you ask about). As you probably know, California, in particular southern California, had a fairly severe freeze for our climate. Many locations, even close to the ocean saw temperatures below freezing on one or more mornings in January. Several nurseries in northern San Diego County that were only about 3 miles away from the ocean measured lows of mid-20s F for four mornings in a row. I even saw frozen leaves on plants in beachside neighborhoods in San Diego, which is one of the few USDA zone 11 locations in mainland USA. It was a severe radiation freeze with zero air movement in many locations leading to very small microclimates (nanoclimates?) just about everywhere. I just heard from several growers of Plumeria in Orange County who had them killed on one side of their house and untouched on another side of their house. Even at my house, my main exposed outdoor thermometer read 26 deg F. on the coldest morning. Nevertheless, in my sizable side yard (where I grow a lot of things since it gets the cooler morning sun), I think the temperature only reached maybe 30 or 31 deg. F. Nothing I had there, including seedlings showed any indication of freezing weather at all. Clivias in my backyard (where my main thermometer is located) had considerable leaf damage, while 6-month-old Clivia seedlings in the sideyard acted as if nothing happened. That is also where I had all my mature Hippeastrums as well as some 2 year old Hipp. seedlings. Even though I tried to protect most of them from winter moisture, since we're having a record-breaking low-rainfall year (3 inches total for the year), the Hipps have been kept dry all winter. Even so, 2/3 of them never lost their leaves. And none of the leaves were frozen on any of the Hipps that had them. All of them appear to have survived the freeze without any signs that they even cared. And even the species that I worry about and keep in my unheated greenhouse experienced temperatures in the high 30s on a couple of the mornings. (Nothing in there was harmed or hurt. I have a few Episcias, but I've already learned that they act like they've been frozen whenever they experience temperatures in the low 40s F. So I always bring them inside before then.) So if this is helpful to you, then good. More likely this will confirm to some how foolish I and a number of other plant hobbyists in Southern California are in how and what we try to grow outside in this climate. --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a On Apr 30, 2007, at 9:37 AM, Stephen Putman wrote: > It has been a really peculiar weather year. > > I am wanting to get some of the bulb pots moved out of the greenhouse, > but the weather still is too hot inside some days and too cold(?) > outside some days. Does anyone have experience with Hippeastrum > species > and minimum night temperatures? I have always used 50 F as a nominal > minimum. Anybody have experience with, say, 45? or 40? >