Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo'

Kelly Irvin kelly@irvincentral.com
Fri, 13 Apr 2007 05:11:02 PDT
In relation to Jim M's comments, and tied to the BX, might I suggest 
every member donating variety seed to the BX include "x self" or "x OP" 
(OP = open pollination). "OP" or some other descriptor with the same 
meaning would be the best choice, unless the provider specified they 
isolated and guaranteed self-pollination or gathered the seed from an 
isolated population (then use "x self"). Pollinators can travel long 
distances, and do.

Example: Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo' x OP

"OP" will include self-pollination, which will be the most likely 
occurrence in self compatible situations, but includes any possibility 
of stray pollen from compatible species or varieties.

In most species situations, no two plants are identical, although the 
differences can be very subtle, so variety names can be attached to more 
robust selections from a population. Nevertheless, their seed will still 
reflect the variation within a population, even without contamination 
from other species or varieties. In other words, that particular variety 
can only be perpetuated asexually (bulblets, cormlets, cuttings, etc.).

In the case of species, it could be redundant to include the extra 
identifiers, unless the distributor has a concern that fertilization 
could have occurred via other species or varieties, or viewed from a 
different perspective, the distributor wishes to assure the recipient 
s/he took measures to guarantee self-pollination.

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
10850 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736
USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b


Jim McKenney wrote:
> At least two postings in this current Ipheion thread have mentioned seeds of
> 'Alberto Castillo'.
> Does anyone know if the original 'Alberto Castillo' was meant to be a clone?
> Was it a selection from a wild population of white-flowered plants? 
> If it was a selection from a wild white-flowered population, then it might
> be time for the taxonomists to take another look at the rank of that
> population. 
> If it was meant to be a clone, then I hope those of you raising them from
> seed do not distribute them as 'Alberto Castillo'. Or is that horse already
> out of the barn? 
> Jim McKenney
> jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
> Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Gelsemium sempervirens
> is sweetly blooming. 
> My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/
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