Dear Jane, In one of the spots I saw this plant (on the Sea Ranch) I didn't see any T. laxa anywhere, but it does T. laxa does grow on the Sea Ranch. On the other spot there is T. laxa and it does bloom at about the same time, but it wasn't exactly close to this population. This population was in the meadow not far from the cows and T. laxa was closer to the Bluff on the rocks. I did check the stamens and they are attached at two different levels which is true both for T. laxa and T. peduncularis so that didn't help. T. laxa has variable length pedicels too (20-90 mm. according to Jepson.) When I checked Jepson for T. peduncularis it listed pedicels from 20 to 160 mm. so obviously there are forms that do not have the long pedicels I've so often seen. It's good to know that T. peduncularis likes to be very deep. Maybe it wouldn't offset so much if planted in a deep pot near the bottom. The Robinetts always recommended deep pots for Triteleia, Dichelostemma, and Brodiaea. They will grow and flower in shallow pots, but seem to be more impressive in bigger pots. Mary Sue