A neat lily for this time of year

aaron floden aaron_floden@yahoo.com
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 13:26:02 PDT
I grow all three. 

 I have rosthornii. It is very similar to henryi
except for a few morphplogical features and the odd
growth habit. Mine grow to a certain height and rest
until mid-summer(now) and start to grow again.  It is
now growing taller and showing buds. It normally does
not get much taller than 1m when it flowers. Normal
bloom time is early September. And, best of all, it is
delightfully fragrant, like Tiarella.

 My yellow henryi came from MOBOT and bloomed this
year for the first time(all from a few bulbs scales
originally) Unfortunatetly, I missed the open flowers.
The buds though were a nice yellow.

 Strait henryi is a great species. It may lean, no
matter how much sun is given, but it is a great plant
and easy!! In bad climates it is one of the best
lilies. At least it doesn't produce bulbils.

 I saw it featured years ago on PBS's Victory Garden;
the plant was 2.5m tall held up by wires to keep it
from leaning. My form always blooms at about 1m. Does
anyone grow taller forms? 

 What is really exceptional, or was last week, were
the trumpets Lilies from China that bloom at 7ft. tall
and 13 trumpets at the top! And highly fragrant.

 All the best, 
 Z5 Kansas

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