The dogs here have generally ignored not only the stinky aroids but flowers in general. However, I remember one notable exception where one of our dogs took a keen and prolonged interest in a flower. We had kept the runt of a litter years ago; she grew into a slightly deformed, snaggle-toothed, scraggly haired, repellent-looking little beast who generally evoked peals of laughter from people seeing her for the first time. She was also one of the sweetest dogs we have ever had and out-lived her litter mates. While working in the garden one day, I was amused to see her thoughtfully -or so it seemed - sniffing a flower of Trillium erectum, aka Stinking Benjamin or Wet Dog Trillium. She seemed to be deep in thought, or in a trance, as she did this. She would put her nose up to the flower and keep it there for a few minutes, then draw away and stand there for awhile looking intently at the flower. Then she would go back to the flower. She made no attempt to bite the flower or lick it or eat it; she just stood there looking at it and apparently smelling it. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where we are nearing the height of the season for the modern super lilies.