Dennis' Manfreda update

James Waddick
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:01:55 PDT
>My Manfreda virginica is going to bloom for the first time ever.  The
>stalk keeps getting taller each day.  It recently surpassed my own
>height, and I'm over 6ft tall!

Dear Dennis and all;
	Our Manfreda is at it's last few blooms. We have three 
stalks, the tallest just over 6 ft. They hold up to our weather, but 
now as the large seed pods weigh the stems they are beginning to lean.

	I recall some mention of whether they are evergreen or 
deciduous last winter. Ours are well protected (ha) by dense 
"wildflowers' around the base so they barely show any loss of foliage 
in winter. In spring we  remove the basal protection (i.e. weed) and 
they  pop back into to healthy growth very fast.

	So far no pups yet.	Best	Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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