Flower Bulb Gallery Updated

Kelly Irvin bulbmeister@bulbmeister.com
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:42:35 PDT
Dear PBSers:

Sorry I've been away so long. I'm slowly starting to get back in the 
groove again, hoping to contribute thoughts and ideas. I just wanted to 
let you all know that my flower bulb image gallery has an inventory of 
almost 1100 images. You may go to, http://www.bulbmeister.com/gallery/, 
to view. If you just wish to view the latest additions (250+), click the 
"last 14 days" link when you get there. That link will only be useful 
through the 12th, I believe. You may also choose the "all images" link, 
then sort by "latest", if you look later than the 12th.

To comment, we just finished a trip to visit family down Houston way. On 
the trip to, I drove by a roadside "clump" (more of a spread, really) of 
white rain lilies. I could not identify them at 70 miles an hour, but 
the urge to stop was tremendous!

My rain lily pots underwent a full year of neglect with minimal 
watering. Grass seed found them easily, though, and, now they are full 
of grass. I treated with Poast over a week ago, and it has stopped the 
grass growth. It should die off slowly without significant damage to my 
potted bulbs. Most of my potted stock needs re-potting, if, for no other 
reason, than to clean out the weeds.

Ah, to be human is to be weedy. --kmi

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
The Bulbmeister
10846 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736

USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6b

E-mail: mailto:bulbmeister@bulbmeister.com
Website: http://www.bulbmeister.com/
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