Dear PBSers: Sorry I've been away so long. I'm slowly starting to get back in the groove again, hoping to contribute thoughts and ideas. I just wanted to let you all know that my flower bulb image gallery has an inventory of almost 1100 images. You may go to,, to view. If you just wish to view the latest additions (250+), click the "last 14 days" link when you get there. That link will only be useful through the 12th, I believe. You may also choose the "all images" link, then sort by "latest", if you look later than the 12th. To comment, we just finished a trip to visit family down Houston way. On the trip to, I drove by a roadside "clump" (more of a spread, really) of white rain lilies. I could not identify them at 70 miles an hour, but the urge to stop was tremendous! My rain lily pots underwent a full year of neglect with minimal watering. Grass seed found them easily, though, and, now they are full of grass. I treated with Poast over a week ago, and it has stopped the grass growth. It should die off slowly without significant damage to my potted bulbs. Most of my potted stock needs re-potting, if, for no other reason, than to clean out the weeds. Ah, to be human is to be weedy. --kmi Mr. Kelly M. Irvin The Bulbmeister 10846 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 479-366-4968 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6b E-mail: Website: Forum: