C. variabile

Joe Shaw jshaw@opuntiads.com
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 15:42:01 PDT
It flowers extremely reliably, large bulbs producing three scapes in 
succession, year after year.  Mine are on their third scapes of the season 
right now.

Hi Gang,

Jim S. reports that C. variabile is hardy and floriferous.  I'm curious 
about the plants because I have some slowly growing along, from seeds 
purchased from Silverhill Seeds.  The plants do fine here in Texas, but 
seemed to grow better when I put them in large pots and gave them wet feet 
from time to time.  They also seem like a small species.

Jim, do you grow in under special conditiosn (e.g., wet feet), or do you 
just give it good flowerbed-type care?

How are the flowers, do they last, or do they fade in heat.


Conroe TX 

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