Rhodophiala bulb request

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 17:23:07 PDT

I'm sending on this request from the newest member of our list who posted 
this from another email address. Please contact him at the email address 
below if you can help him. Thanks.

Mary Sue

My name is Jay Miner. I am a botanical illustrator living in N.C. at the 
moment.This past year I spent six months in Chile painting the native 
flora, including four species of Rhodophiala. To complete the paintings I 
would love to include the bulb and I am wondering if you know of a source 
in the U.S. where I could purchase bulbs for the following species: 
R.advena, R.laeta, R.bagnoldii and R.phycelloides. Any assistance would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks! Jay Miner

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