I understand from a private message I received that the owner of the web site with the pirated pictures is very nice so hopefully when he returns from vacation he will contact me and we can resolve this. Our wiki software is quite a challenge to change. There is no way we can prevent people from downloading images. We want people to be able to see our images. Although our wiki serves as a place for our group to share pictures with each other, it so much more than that. Those of us who put in long hours adding images and text hope people will look at the pictures and read what we say. In fact it is kind of disappointing to those people who add pictures when no one responds even privately. On the other hand, we have reluctantly concluded that we are going to have to require passwords for uploading images and editing the wiki to prevent the spam. That will mean it won't really be a wiki anymore in the traditional sense where anyone who wants to can contribute. But it will mean that wiki administrators are not wasting their time taking off spam and others won't find porn links if they were put up before someone caught them and removed them. I will be contacting regular wiki contributors to discuss this off the list. Just in case I forget someone who wants to be included in this category you might email me privately if you want to get the message. And bouquets to Linda Foulis who has put in hours trying to come up with a solution and to Jay Yourch who has found one! Mary Sue >I believe the problem can be solved or at least better controlled by >requiring passwords for downloading or uploading images to the wiki and >restricting the password to members.