wildflower question

John Grimshaw j.grimshaw@virgin.net
Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:24:30 PDT
The Lantana guess is not far out: it is certainly something in the region of 
Lippia/Aloysia/Phyla in Verbenaceae. If it is a low prostrate plant with the 
flower heads borne about 1-2 inches above the ground it could be Phyla 
nodiflora, often seen in (rock-) gardening literature as Lippia nodiflora.

John Grimshaw

Dr John M. Grimshaw
Garden Manager, Colesbourne Gardens

Sycamore Cottage
Nr Cheltenham
Gloucestershire GL53 9NP

Website: http://www.colesbournegardens.org.uk/
> http://www.badbear.com/P7030003.JPG
> It's a very small flower on a very small plant, growing alongside a
> large stream, on a sandy bank.  The flower is probably only about
> half an inch across (rough guess).
> The only thing that springs to mind is Lantana, but I know it's not that.

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