Payback time?

Roy Sachs
Fri, 17 Feb 2006 19:37:09 PST
>**It's always nice to have life put into perspective. On the Northern
>CA (USA) coast we have moderate temperatures, and our little bouts of
>freezes are usually in Dec with a sneaky batch in mid to late January.
>Three nights of 27-28F in mid Feb have knocked the wind out of me and
>some of the more tender plants.
>I had been chomping back figuring it was safe now.
>All my species Fuchsias are frozen, the Cannas too. I'll find more
>things as each day arrives after the freezing nights.
>I moved the Ferraria and some orchids in spike into the house where
>it'll probably be too warm for them.
>I'm trying to cover the Lachs at night.

is it snowing up there, yet, still?  we might get some flurries tonight...

Crinum foliage collapsed night before last, many alstroemeria 
likewise, a Watsonia inflorescence wilted just as it reached full 
bloom, but lots of daffodils and related narcissus look fine; and 
Freesia alba also is standing tall with flowers about ready to pop.

Could have been worse.


Davis, CA; after a 28 F (-2 C)  siege two nights ago.

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