Hi Folks, I have some interesting Cybistetes longifolia in flower at the moment. One of them opened up ivory white and, remained like that for a long time, and finally faded to a hint of very pale pink, barely noticeable. The second image of C.longifolia is the usual colour, that opens whitish and changes to the various shades of pink with age. The flowers are sweetly scented which is an extra bonus. I have also posted a picture of Urginea maritima, which flowered for the first time for us. They seem to flower only when rootbound, or when grown in the right spot, in a sunny, well drained position where they get a good summer baking. Best wishes, Bill Dijk http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… Tauranga, New Zealand :annual rainfall :1250 mm. Sunshine hours, mean annual : 2350 hours. Temp.mean max.Summer : 25°C. winter:///15°C/. Temp.mean min. Summer :14.5°C. Winter: 5°C. Wet mild Winters with occasional light frost.