Photos (which are much appreciated) uploaded to the wiki should be no taller than 550 pixels and no wider than 600 pixels. This allows for viewing on any browser without scrolling. (E.g., a standard sized photo, uncropped, might be 600 x 450 or 413 x 550, approximately.) Resolution should be set at 72 dpi which is the resolution that is displayable on the internet. If you have Photoshop simply resize the picture to the proper size and "save for web" at medium to high quality (medium to low compression). Photo file should be no larger than 100k. Photo file information can be found at… If your photo is larger than recommended, chances are I'll have to go in and resize it. I also generally try, when I have time, to add credits. Photos should be named: Genus_species[number, if you have one]_initials.jpg. The initials help me keep track of who belongs to whom. If your photo is named differently, chances are I'll have to go in and rename it when I move it to the final resting place --- the genus folder. Thanks for your attention to details. s. for the administrators -- susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b, Sunset zone 17. 15 miles south of Eureka, CA, overlooking the Eel River, with a peek of the ocean.