Payback time?

Susan Hayek
Fri, 17 Feb 2006 15:38:02 PST
**It's always nice to have life put into perspective. On the Northern 
CA (USA) coast we have moderate temperatures, and our little bouts of 
freezes are usually in Dec with a sneaky batch in mid to late January.
Three nights of 27-28F in mid Feb have knocked the wind out of me and 
some of the more tender plants.
I had been chomping back figuring it was safe now.

All my species Fuchsias are frozen, the Cannas too. I'll find more 
things as each day arrives after the freezing nights.
I moved the Ferraria and some orchids in spike into the house where 
it'll probably be too warm for them.
I'm trying to cover the Lachs at night.


>Yesterday, -25C, -10F   Wind-chill -35C
>Today, somewhat balmier, -20C, +2F    No wind-chill    (Those are daytime


>replace it that is not frozen!  Oh well.  I won't be able to learn the sad
>fate of many of my plants for some time yet.


>All of the bulbs in the yard, most of those I'm not too worried about,
>they're buried deep.  I'm not sure how all the seeds in the cold frame will
>come through either, I was really counting on a couple feet of snow on top
>of it.

susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b, Sunset zone 17.
15 miles south of Eureka, CA, overlooking the Eel River, with a peek 
of the ocean.

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