Lachenalis freeze tolerance

Susan Hayek
Thu, 16 Feb 2006 22:35:13 PST
At 10:33 PM -0700 2/16/06, Leo A. Martin wrote:
>Here, various Lachs and also Massonia have been frozen solid in overnight
>lows to the mid 20s F and contined growing none the worse for wear.
>Silverhill lists all Lachenalia species as hardy to USDA Zone 8. I think
>this likely means overnight lows, with the following day's temperatures
>above freezing.

**Thank goodness.
It's been in the mid 20s F here the last couple of nights. My Lachs 
have been hanging in.
I brought in a Ferraria this evening. I worry all night about who's 
freezing. (The tree Dahlia cuttings I've potted up for my 

susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b, Sunset zone 17.
15 miles south of Eureka, CA, overlooking the Eel River, with a peek 
of the ocean.

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