PBS weekend

diana chapman rarebulbs@cox.net
Tue, 07 Feb 2006 07:10:35 PST
Many thanks for your kind words, Mary Sue and Ron.

I would also like to thank everyone.  It was a marathon journey for some
participants, and I really appreciate the effort everyone made to drive to
this northern outpost of California.  The weather forecast was horrible, but
fortunately the weather didn't turn out to be as bad as predicted.

Thanks especially to all those who helped, Susan Hayek who helped me get
ready for the meeting, and came over twice to assist in the kitchen even
though she couldn't stay for dinner and Harold's slides.  Chris Carley who
took charge of part of the group when I had to return to the house with a
member who was having back problems.  Mary Sue for her wonderful widlflower
slide show, Bob and Marlene Werra who brough all kinds of goodies, pots of
seedlings, and a great slide show on their trip to China, Paul Machado and
Michael Homick who drove a very long way and told us about their lilies, a
local friend who provided a wonderful cake, and especially Harold Koopowitz
and his group who must have clocked well over a thousand miles on this trip
and entertained all of us with good talk and wonderful slides.

For all of those who gave willing help and made the weekend a success --- 
THANK YOU!!  Being hostess is not always the most enjoyable role, but I had
a truly wonderful time.

Diana Chapman
Telos Rare Bulbs

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