Slide Scanning request - maybe off topic

James Frelichowski
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:04:07 PST
If you use a much higher resolution digital camera (probably standard nowadays) then they have great quality too and are more easily manipulated on the computer.
  James Frelichowski

Jim McKenney <> wrote:
  Roger mentioned Kodak Photo CD format. 

Years ago, before I had a digital camera and was still using film to get
slides, Kodak had an arrangement whereby when the slides were developed they
would produce a Photo CD with the same images. I tried this with four rolls
of film. 

The slides were wonderful; the CD images were out of focus. Not grossly out
of focus, but upon close examination finer details were out of focus. 

That was the end of my interest in that product. Perhaps they have gotten
better at it. 

I've often noticed a similar degradation in detail when I've had slides

I'll be watching postings on this thread with interest because I have
thousands of slide images taken between 1960-2000 which I would like to

Jim McKenney
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