
Kathy Stokmanis
Mon, 02 Feb 2004 10:23:58 PST
Hi, Jim and everyone,

Thank you for your response to my question.  I am a neophyte at geophyte nomenclature and classifications but I've happily grown the more common bulbs all of my life.  Usually I post where I live since to me it's one of the very interesting items of information in other peoples' posts and has a direct bearing on how they grow geophytes.  This list is a goldmine of information and it's the first thing I log on to every morning. 

The BX offering I received is Galanthus elwesii.  I would be more worried about Galanthus not getting enough winter chill rather than it being too cold.   I live in the very beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills in Northern California, Sunset zone 7.  But the town rises over 1000 feet in elevation and I'm in the so-called Banana Belt, where citrus can be grown.  Over my three years of observation, the temperature has not dropped below 25 degrees F so I think it's zone 8 or even 9 in protected spots.  We have not had snow for two years, only rain--50 to 70 inches per year--with the occasional frost.  Summer gets 100 degrees plus for weeks on end and is completely dry--Mediterranean climate.  More information than you wanted to know, I'm sure, but I love growing things here.  Everything seems to thrive and geophytes are perfect because of the many that require little or no water during the summer. 

Another problem for me is placement for such a tiny plant as Galanthus.  We live in a pine forest with very tall trees, all of which start dropping needles in fall and continuing through winter.  Even in the sunny areas plants can easily smother under the load, especially when it rains (much of the time) and I am not the most persistent raker.

Kathy Stokmanis
Where Galanthus elwesii and Narcissus cantabricus ssp. foliosus (sp?) are the only geophytes currently in flower, both PBS BX offerings.

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