South African Bulbs

Tony Avent
Wed, 04 Feb 2004 12:47:36 PST
Dear Bulb Growers:

	We were just checking some 2003 bulb plantings and we have two surprises
so far as relates to winter hardiness. Lachenalia reflexa and Brunsvigia
josephine are still evergreen after a brutal winter.  We had a low of 8
degrees F., followed by a severe ice storm and several days that the temps
didn't rise above freezing.  While winter is not over yet, we probably will
not see single digits again this year.  The plants are growing in an
exposed bed with no protection or microclimate.  This will also be our
third season to flower Ammocharis coranica in the ground.  So, how many
other lachenalia species should be hardy to these temps?

Tony Avent
Plant Delights Nursery @
Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, NC  27603  USA
Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
phone 919 772-4794
fax  919 772-4752
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it least
three times" - Avent

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