Dear All, I want to thank Jim Waddick for sharing his introductions for Alpine-l on Galanthus, Narcissus, and Tulipa with our PBS list. I am sure the information was really helpful to a number of people on this list and I am very grateful to have had a month when I wasn't responsible. I am still hoping Paige, Kelly or Russell will tell us about which Tulips they sell do well in different parts of the country before this latest topic is done. Starting in March I am back in charge. Diane Whitehead will be once again suggesting what to do in March in the Northern Hemisphere. She is hoping that some of our Southern Hemisphere members will chime in as well with what to do there. The second week Robert Pries will give us an overview of Iris which is an amazing and complicated genus. He has promised to come up with a few provocative questions to stimulate the discussion. The following week I am resorting to favorite bulbs by color moving to another color that not everyone is fond of although I don't understand why, orange. So be preparing your lists. We have one already nominated from our yellow list, Bulbinella latifolia var. doleritica. Seeing it in bloom in Nieuwoudtville in a wet year was an awesome sight I will never forget so I am glad to know that someone is growing it successfully and able to nominate it for the favorite orange flowered bulb list. Pascal Vigneron from France who has a very good web site with Amaryllids as the focus will do the fourth week on Pancratium. And since there is part of a fifth week, Diane will once again do what to do, this time in April. While these topics are being discussed other conversations will go on as usual. Mary Sue PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)