Dear All: As I traveled in Devon, England last week, Galanthus nivalis were in full flower, in the hedges, alongside the lanes, in the lawns of gardens, in full sun and in shady areas. The markings on the inner perianth segments varied as did the shape of the outer segments. I am of the opinion that geographical variations are many and varied. I would like to have the time to note all such, being convinced that there are many 'forms' occurring naturally. The height of the plants also varied considerably. David Fenwick and I talked about this over dinner. For those of you who have never met David, let me say he is a grand person and has a very wide knowledge of plants. His comments regarding Crocosmia, are fascinating, and he recently found a new form on Drake's Island, located in Plymouth Sound. His research into the distribution of Amaryllis belladonna will, I am sure, be of interest to many. I would suggest he be asked to write about this and about the Crocosmia finding so we all can learn more about these plants. David has the ability to describe in an easy understandable way complex matters. I think him for a delightful evening that kept my companions who were not gardeners or interested in bulbs, fascinated. On another matter, I will, God willing, be leading a tour to Southern Africa in September, from the 6th to the 24th. Any person interested should contact me privately at and I will be glad to send a brochure. Do not forget to give me the snail mail address to which it should be sent. Cheers, John E. Bryan