Snowdrops are finally coming into bloom here in Maryland, and they are reminding me that I have some long un-answered snowdrop questions which members of the list may be able to answer. There is a nice clump here of Benhall Beauty. I'm happy to see that it seems to agree with the photo posted on Mark Smyth's site. Snowdrops often seem to change their identity when they depart the motherland, cross the pond and take up residence here in the colonies. Perhaps they are involved in witness-protection programs? My bulbs came labeled Benhall Beauty, but I got into the perhaps bad habit of calling them Benthall Beauty, after the home of urcroconut George Maw, Benthall Hall. This raises two questions: Is the name of the snowdrop properly Benhall Beauty or Benthall Beauty? How is Benthall properly pronounced? Is it Bent-hall, Benth-all, Ben-thall or something else? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland zone 7, where snowdrops are finally spreading the milk of spring's kindness in the garden.