lifting bulbs for winter

Nicholas plummer
Thu, 08 Dec 2016 08:13:07 PST
Hi Dennis,

Rodophiala bifida, at least the red form known as "ox blood lily," is an
autumn/winter grower.  My plants follow roughly the same schedule as
Lycoris radiata, leafing out in late September or early October and staying
green all winter.  The foliage dies back when the weather warms up in the
spring.  If you can't keep it in the ground all winter, I think you'll have
to grow it permanently as a potted plant.  It probably won't appreciate
annual disturbance during its growing season, and there's not much point in
planting it outside just for the summer dormancy.

Nick Plummer
Durham, NC, USDA Zone 7

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Dennis Krambwrote:

> Also much to my surprise (since this is my first year growing them)
> Rhodophiala bifida were as happy as can be & still growing strong with deep
> green leaves.  Whereas all my other amaryllids have foliage completely
> zapped down to the ground.

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