Puya chilensis

Jim Foster fosterjp@cox.net
Wed, 28 Dec 2016 13:49:20 PST
Here at Lotusland we have Puya alpestris which our visitors are stunned 
at the flower color - that is when it flowers. Also at Lotusland in 
Santa Barbara we had a Puya chilensis flower for the second tome in 30 
years in 2015.  Referred to there as the sheep killer because they can 
get entangled in the thorns and die.  I guess the plant then uses it as 
fertilizer.  We saw numerous ones in flower near Maitencillo last year.  
Looks like a giant bouquet of daffodils on top of the stalk,
Both of these species are not for the feint of heart to care for and can 
get fairly large.

Santa Barbara

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