Zephyranthes species and Rhodophiala

frixos markou frixosmarkou@hotmail.com
Fri, 30 Dec 2016 00:24:32 PST

My name is
Frixos and i live in Cyprus which is in zone 10a.I start growing bulbs when my
mum gave me some pink habranthus robustus that her mother gave her.   From that day I have collected some
zephyranthes and habranthus species. Also I have some Hippeastrum/Amaryllis
varieties and some more rare like colchica, stembergias,pancratium maritimum,
rhodophiala. I would love to exchange seeds of these species when I have.


I am interested
in learning more about rhodophiala species, how to grow them in the garden. In
the past I spent a lot of money to order rhodophiala seeds from Chile (very
expensive shipping), I have grown them for some months and then they passed
away.  After a lot of search in the
internet I found one European site that I can order these seeds but I am afraid
to buy and fail to grow them again. Any tip??, 



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