New member introduction

Cynthia Mueller
Thu, 22 Dec 2016 17:21:37 PST
We're glad to hear from you, Chad. Happy hunting and growing your should get started growing some of the offerings from the Seed Exchange. -Cynthia Mueller, Central Texas

Cynthia W Mueller

> On Dec 22, 2016, at 4:29 PM, Chad Cox <> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Chad Cox and I am relatively new to growing and collecting bulbs. I live in rural Sacramento county (zone 8) and have been collecting rare bulbs for about two years now. Some of my favorites include Hippeastrum, Brunsvigia, Griffinia, Cyrtanthus, Haemanthus, Phaedranassa & other similar varieties. I've also collected a few other interesting plants that are not bulbs such as various puya, Brunsvigia & Iochroma & a few others. I am interested in learning more about bulbs in general, in particular, methods of pollination and seed propagation. I am also obviously interested in obtaining seeds of species that I am interested in but currently unable to find elsewhere. 
> I look forward to learning from the members of this list and hope that I can also provide some useful input at times. Thank you and Happy Holidays.
> Chad Cox
> Sent from my iPhone
> Chad L. Cox, Ph.D.
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