Hi Mary Sue, Could this be a variant of N. gracile that produces far fewer bulblets? That could explain the large bulbs. I am certain people would happily consider growing this as "Nothoscordum sp." until the correct identification is known, especially if the flowers are fragrant. Besides, the more you spread this plant around, the more likely someone will eventually be able to identify the correct species. Nathan These unidentified plants were grown from seed labeled as Nothoscordum ostenii (from Harry Hay), although that species is very different with yellow flowers. The leaves are larger, longer, and broader than most other species. The flowers are fragrant but infrequently open very wide. Plants grow from large bulbs that are slow to vegetatively increase in number. The bulbs in the photo (on a 1 cm grid) have only one small bulblet next to the mother bulb. This species is dormant in summer and flowers March-April in Northern California. Photos by Mary Sue Ittner. At 08:52 AM 8/2/2015, you wrote: >I'm asking again if anyone has an idea what is the correct >identification of this plant grown a number of years ago from seed >from Harry Hay and labeled N. ostenii. I've added photos of the bulb >and the fruit in case that helps. I don't want to give seed to any >exchanges if I don't know what it is. Thanks for any help. > >Mary Sue >http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…