Hello! I hope everyone is having a nice Summer. Here in Southwestern Oregon, we're starting our annual "smoke month", grey skies and smoke lasting until the first big rains, from all the regional wildfires. Three years in a row of this, ugh. If anyone else is experiencing this, I am feeling your pain. I've uploaded some new photos in a new blog post in my "Floral Visitors" series. Crocosmia and a few Alliums are the featured bulbs (members of the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae, among others, make up the rest). Enjoy: http://amateuranthecologist.blogspot.com/2015/08/… Or try this (if it doesn't wrap): http://tinyurl.com/p3afbkd/ Thank you, Travis Owen Rogue River, OR amateuranthecologist.blogspot.com http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/