My adventures in terrariums have sparked an interest in gesneriads (as well as insectivorous plants like venus flytraps and Pinguiculas). I attended an African Violet & Gesneriad show in Columbus Ohio on May 1st and came home with a bundle of coveted new plants. :-) Some of them I had no idea what they were, I just knew I had to have them (like my new Petrocosmea sp.). The prices were crazy cheap... ranging from 50 cents up to $7. So of course I couldn't resist! Since then I've been reading up on them a lot. And I find myself particularly keen on the Central & South American gesneriads, especially Smithiantha and Sinningia. I really love the micro-mini Sinningias, and some of the geophytic Sinningias are downright crazy looking (I'm talking about YOU Sinningia defoliata)! I prefer growing species. And I'm building a collection of species, but I'll undoubtedly make some crosses. It's so fun falling in love with a new category of plants! I'd love to hear what other PBS members consider to be their favorite gesneriads. And how do they grow them? (My Sinningia tubiflora in my terrarium is growing outrageously tall. I think it likes the humidity a bit too much.) Dennis in Cincinnati