How do you germinate Xeronema callistemon seed

Tue, 11 May 2010 16:15:03 PDT
Xeronema callistemon is not difficult to germinate but with high
temperatures one will have difficulty keeping it going.  Mine grew
splendidly in Connecticut in a frost free greenhouse for over a decade
(sadly, never bloomed) but died in North Carolina's summer heat and
humidity in 2 years.  Nonetheless, try 9:1 to 3:1 cooarse sand to milled
sphagnum moss, soak from the bottom once with mild non soapy/oily
fungicidal solution.  Keep cool, no direct sun, surfasce sow 72F, covered
propagator or plastic dome, germination 4-12 weeks. Once germinated, keep
moist, bouyant atmosphere.(fan, Fogg-it nozzle or spritzer).
Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina, USA
Zone 7b-

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