Storing cyclamen seeds

gentiaan bulborum
Sat, 22 May 2010 12:53:40 PDT
OK john

I cover with soil
I give it a try with grit
maybe the moisture under the grid is higher
Maybe that make a difference


2010/5/22 John T Lonsdale <>:
> Diane wrote "The species of cyclamen makes a great difference; purpurascens
> requires soaking and darkness unless you don't mind how long it takes to
> germinate."
> That is the case for Diane, but not here.  Treated in exactly the same
> manner as all the other cyclamen seeds (no soaking), purpurascens seeds sown
> in late August and kept moist in a greenhouse that is allowed to get to
> around 26F on the floor give very high germination rates the following late
> spring.  Seeds are surface sown and covered with about 1cm of grower grade
> granite grit - this by no means equates to total darkness.  100s of seeds
> sown in August 2009 are germinating right now.  This replicates findings
> going back at least 10 years.
> All results need to be taken in context and not as black and white.  It is
> amazing how many folks have the 'definitive' method of doing many gardening
> activities - looking back to the very early days of the AGS you can see how
> many bizarre unique types of compost were the 'only' ways to get many plants
> to grow.  The fact that I grow everything here in pots using a single
> compost type would have those AGS stalwarts turning in their graves.
> I am very familiar with the Reading method for cyclamen and in my hands it
> has given excellent results.  However, the methods I described that I use
> every year are far less time consuming and work equally well - here.  I
> don't find any significant differences between species.
> Best,
> J.
> John T Lonsdale PhD
> 407 Edgewood Drive,
> Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA
> Home: 610 594 9232
> Cell: 484 678 9856
> Fax: 315 571 9232
> Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at
> USDA Zone 6b
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