Dear Dell, Please send the following. Seeds of Schoenocaulon drummondii, Collected from fence rows in Central Texas near La Grange, two different populations: 1. Population # 1 2. Population # 2 3. Seeds of Haemanthus albiflos - evergreen, I water year round 4. Seeds of Haemanthus pauculifolius- also evergreen, I water year round, only few seeds 6. Bulblets of Tulipa clusiana - white flowers with red on the back of the petals, supposedly one that can be grown in the ground in warm climates. I don't see the ones I planted out returning, but it blooms well for me in pots prechilled before planting in December 7. Bulblets of Tulipa clusiana chrysantha - bulblets, golden yellow flowers with orange red on the back of the petals Thanks! (I will be sending you another seed shipment soon.) Shawn Pollard 3091 W. 31st Street Yuma, AZ 85364