Brachystelma question

Jim McKenney
Wed, 19 May 2010 11:13:39 PDT
Brachystelma cathcartense is about to bloom here; the plant was received
from Seneca Hill Nursery just in time. I’ll be shedding tears over the
demise of Ellen’s nursery for a long time – and I know I’m not the only one.


This plant is shown on the PBS wiki, but the text there raises a question.
The text states that the plant “has one or two cup shaped flowers…”  The
plant I have has produced a cluster of stems and each stem has multiple
flowers, two at each of several nodes.  

It just so happens that I also obtained a plant of B. meyerianum, and when I
compare the two plants, I see that B. meyerianum has multiple buds per stem
but only one flower bud per node. 


Brachystelma experts, here’s your chance to shine: should the wiki text for
B. cathcartense be changed to say  “has one or two cup shaped flowers per
node” ?


Cool plants by the way….


On a related note, I saw a wide low mass of Asclepias viridis in full bloom
the other day – that one has so far escaped my net. The color scheme is
quiet, but the architecture of the plant is stunning. 



Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden



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