(no subject)

David Victor davidxvictor@btinternet.com
Fri, 14 May 2010 11:27:11 PDT
Hi everyone,

I'm doing some research on Phaedranassa and have got absolutely stuck 
on P. lehmannii.  It was originally described by Regel in Gartenflora 
in 1883, together with an illustration.  This says that it was 
collected by Lehmann in Colombia at 7,000 feet.  As far as I can 
trace, nobody has written anything more concerning the species 
since.  However, it is still considered a valid epithet in the Kew 
database of monocots.

Looking at the illustration one would think that it was Stenomesson 
miniatum: however, as far as I know that species is only known from 
Peru and Bolivia.

If anyone can throw any more light on the subject I would be very 
pleased to hear from them.  Many thanks in advance for any help that 
can be given.

Best regards,
David Victor 

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