extending growth cycle of summer dormant bulbs?

Ken kjblack@pacbell.net
Sat, 01 May 2010 13:32:37 PDT
I've been wondering about the effect of longer daylight hours on some of the winter growing amaryllids ... A.belladonna & Brunsvigia sp.  It seems if I grow them, potted, in full sun, the leaves (here in San Diego, anyway) always begin to dry out and turn brown within a few weeks after the spring equinox, regardless of whether they continue to receive water or not.   I have conducted a bit of an experiment on some of the plants ... beginning in early March, I've moved some of them into a shady location.  Generally on the bottom tiers of my plant shelving, on the East side of the house, which is usually out of any direct sun by Noon.  These plants ... juveniles ... as I can no longer call them seedlings ... tend to keep their foliage an additional 6-10 weeks.  Last year, I kept many of them going (and hopefully growing) until June.  I suppose heat may also be a factor, but it tends to remain fairly mild (nights about 60, days about 70) well
 thru June here near the coast.  I do cut back a bit on water, but do not let them dry out completely.  
Has anybody else noted a similar experience?  Any concerns about possible danger to the bulbs in doing this?
San Diego

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