A soil question

John T Lonsdale john@johnlonsdale.net
Sat, 15 May 2010 13:04:23 PDT
Hi Dave,

In my experience "Ipheion sellowianum" will grow in any well drained 'soil'
in a pot.  I certainly wouldn't mess about with clay.  I think it is more
important to mimic the environmental/seasonal conditions that plants are
exposed to in habitat rather than duplicate the exact physical conditions.



John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 315 571 9232

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/

USDA Zone 6b

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