Peony Chameleons - problem

Jim McKenney
Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:53:08 PDT
Actually Jim, I’m inclined to say that this is one of those situations where
we will simply have to agree to disagree.


To begin with, when each name is properly cited there is minimal chance of
confusion. The name of the cultivar would be written in single quotes and
without italics, as Peony ‘Chameleon’ or Paeonia ‘Chameleon’. That other
entity would be written Paeonia x chamaeleon Troitsky ex Grossheim or
Paeonia x chamaeleon. 


[I typed this message as an html document, with italics; if my italics do
not survive into the version posted, much of the sense of this message will
be obscured.]


There is no way to prevent people from formatting the names incorrectly and
becoming confused. The registrars of the world can be as careful as their
task requires them to be, but it’s human nature for us to mess these things


Furthermore, careful speakers pronounce the words chameleon and chamaeleon


For me, the clincher would be the high degree of improbability that these
two names would  be found in the same discussion outside of the sort of
recherché discussion we’re having now. These words exist in different
worlds, and the sort of person who enters the more formal world of botanical
nomenclature is likely to be the sort of person who knows the difference. 


I don’t see a problem with maintaining both names. Indeed, it’s a good
training example for people learning the differences among the various sorts
of nomenclature we use. 



Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden



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