Clivia 'Vico Yellow'

Mary Sue Ittner
Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:20:59 PDT
Dear Arnold and Lauw,

Mine hasn't bloomed yet either although two yellow ones I grew from two 
seeds started a couple of months prior to this distribution starting 
blooming in 2004 and have been blooming every year since (and are in bud at 
the moment).  I understand there was a high attrition rate from that 
distribution and that those of us who kept ours alive did a lot better than 
others. It really made me wonder whether tissue culture was the way of the 
future or if the ones we got were just not in very good shape at the time 
we got them. I remember there was a recommendation that I put mine on a 
hotpad in the hope that that bottom heat would assist in root development. 
The ones I grew from seed were free since it was pre BX days and a member 
who had seed offered seed to people who wanted them. The Vico Yellow 
distribution was much more costly, but since I had met Sir Peter Smithers, 
I wanted one of the plants named after where he lived and his work. I'd be 
curious if others have tissue culture plants that grew much more rapidly 
like they are supposed to.

Mary Sue

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