Aff - able? (Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:02:54 PDT)
On 18 Mar 08, at 20:23, Jim McKenney wrote:
I object to the use of this term affinis in the way being discussed
because it is illogical: it does not deliver what it promises. It
purports to state the very things which are in fact unknown:
relationship and identity.
The word akin expresses natural relationship, not mere similarity.
What sense does it make to use the word akin before such natural
relationship is established?
This distinction between natural relationship and mere similarity is
the salient difference between modern taxonomy and taxonomy as
practiced up until the beginning of the twentieth century.
But Linnaeus was still cooking with gas when he pinpointed floral
anatomy as the key to understanding relationships. If you look up
from your computer and take a good gander out the window at the
taxonomic landscape, you will see that most genera established using
floral anatomy are still held to be valid.
Yes, there are problematic areas, the South American tangle of
Ipheions, Nothoscordums, Beauverdias, and who knows what else being
the one that comes to mind, but Mother Nature does have a fondness
for playing jokes on scientists, so what else can we expect?
The place where DNA and other microscopic evidence is proving
valuable is sorting out higher taxons, families in particular. We all
know (or should) that there's a tangle involving peonies,
podophyllums, jeffersonias, and such, and hopefully DNA is helping
figure it out. But the generic boundaries remain largely untouched.
Thus, using aff, meaning roughly "looks a lot like", doesn't just
mean that there's some kind of vague overall similarity, but that on
close inspection, the critical features of floral anatomy (and other
relevant details) are closely similar to previously named species.
I wrote earlier, and then again just above "looks a lot like" but to
be precise the phrase should include "with reference to anatomical
details indicative of taxonomic relationships." That's a little
vague, but of course the details used in one class of plants may be
different from those in another class.
Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate
on beautiful Vancouver Island