: Haemanthus pauculifolius

lucgbulot@aol.com lucgbulot@aol.com
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:57:58 PDT
Hi Mary,

Many thanks for the input and links to former posts on Haemanthus. I also sent an e-mail to Dee Snijman to ask for a reprint copy of the original paper in which H. pauculifolius was described :

Snijman, D. A. & van Wyk, A. E. (1993). A new species of Haemanthus (Amaryllidaceae) from the eastern
Transvaal Escarpment, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 59(2): 247–250.

Looking through the web for more infos I also found an interesting PDF on Haemanthus cultivation edited by the RHS at the following url: http://rhs.org.uk/publications/plantsman/…

Take care,


(1993). A new species of Haemanthus (Amaryllidaceae) from the eastern
Transvaal Escarpment, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 59(2): 247–250.

Looking through the web for more infos I also found an interesting PDF on Haemanthus cultivation edited by the RHS at the following url: http://rhs.org.uk/publications/plantsman/…

Take care,


South African Journal of Botany 59(2): 247–250.

Looking through the web for more infos I also found an interesting PDF on Haemanthus cultivation edited by the RHS at the following url: http://rhs.org.uk/publications/plantsman/…

Take care,


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